The placebo effect, a symbol of man's mind to successfully fool the body if the conviction of the mind is strong enough. Scientists are now just beginning to understand it's effects but from what I can deduce from the behaviours of others and myself, it seems like a long established thing always. But due process must be followed for once you throw that out of the window it is easy to get any half number ninnies claiming to have gotten an alien probe up the jacksie.
At any rate, there is evidence that the placebo effect to some extent can actually modify completely our perception of reality as itis. The example I saw was on a documentry nicely funded by the National Geographic channel. The test subject had a hot iron held to his arm. Painful enough to possibly make him regret his decision about being a test subject but not hot enough to burn. After subjecting him to the iron whilst monitoring his brain activity. The researchers proceeded to give him two placebo pills (sugar of course. If nothing the placebo effect could be associated with diabetes... haha...) and told him it was a new pain killing drug. 15 minutes after taking the pills the subject's brain patterns subsequently showed a decrease in the registration of pain by the subject until eventually no reaction could be elicited even when the iron was put to the skin. The subject simply did not register the heat/pain believing the pain killer was in effect. Certainly says something about the mind...
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