Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Bible Study Part II

I have just purchased a King James version of the Bible from a Christian bookstore somewher ein Far East Plaza. Nice classic looking book. In other words, leather binding and well, goldish looking lettering on cover. Sleek. I have read up to page 2 and I have realized to post all the questions I feel need addressing are beyond the scope of this blog. It would simply overwhelm it.

Hence, anyone interested in my research into this text would do well to look at my alternative blog

Created when I wanted to mock the depressive statement of most blogs. it never worked out and rather poor choice of name now it is yet seemingly apt for a text such as the Bible. There will be two main, constantly edited parts.

One part deals with all the precepts listed in the Bible that a full believer should live their life by. (No inerpretations! This is an important retieration! If you are of this faith and you believe then you claim that the whole book has been written by God as proxy and the words cannot be altered! God can do no wrong but man definitely is no god when it comes to translation)

The second part deals with the questions raised as I read through it. I.e How the people began to multiply so rapidly from just Adam and Eve who were stated to be the only two people on Earth but suddenly Seth (Adam's third son) is raising his own family bu not listed as having obtained children through his mother (only female on planet as of that section).

This is probably the last thing to do with Bible related reading material to be posted on this blog and everything else will be on the cheerful 'doomdoomwoeisme' site.

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