Wednesday, October 06, 2004


Okay... I'm addicted to games again.... it all started last Saturday... so innocently... then I became bored and I played a PS 2 wrestling game. I got hooked instantly. I mean, I knew that all the moves were bullshit. No self respecting soldier would use any move like that in real life. However, what I couldn't tear myself away from was that use of judacious painful looking moves. I really really liked stomping on an opponents head. Loved it.

Needless to say it cured (sorta) my caffine overdose and my relief high that iw as feeling after Friday and yep. I played and played. Heck.. my sleep has beens crewed up the past few days. I slept at 2am on Sunday. Well, techinically, that is 2am on Monday. It was Monday's 2am. So.. yep. Couldn't sleep. Still woke up at 8. Today was crazier. i slept at 11pm and woke up at 3,4,5,6 and finally 7am. Nice.

So... hungry.. gah. Anyways.. day has been fine. Accounting test int he morning that I f-ed up but heck it. I'm free! Free! fFree! Time to pig out at KFC... mm.. chicken.... =p

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