Thursday, October 07, 2004

The shotgun. best monster killer there is.

I just got Doom 2 off a friend. I know, it is hideously outdated but it has been so so loing since I played a FPS. On a computer no less. With mouse and keyboard. Not those goddamned console game swith fiddly little buttons and whatnot. They're fine for Metal Slug 2 and Fighting games but useless for f-all after that.

Well, what can I say? I'm hooked and onto the Doom drug. Plus I have Accounting exams in exactly one month and 8 days. I better start hauling ass. Can't even work ins chool. All I want to do is shoot monsters and scream "die die die!" as monsters pour out from hidden areas. What can I say? Shotgun.

My feelings these days are more at peace...

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