Monday, December 22, 2008


Its weird, but if you think about it. The only recourse one really has in life is to just keep fighting for the goal they want. At the end of the day, it is only yourself who can propel who where you want to go.

The world is a harsh place and if you stopped at every setback you'd get nowhere. Even in the deepest of pits, the best remedy appears to get up and fight for what you believe in. The issue that arises is what then is if your beliefs are gone and disillusioned.

Fight to live really. The meaning of life is that you're here. You put your own meaning to it. One man's treasure can be junk for another. Meaning is attached in the mind. What is the Mona Lisa but I collection of pigments on a board? What does it matter if it is burnt?

I wonder

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