Here I am at 9 in the morning just sitting at my computer and sudddenly I feel inspired to write... about the lamentability of human existence. To sum up, I just realized the human desire for fads. It must be something genetic in us or something because it sure as hell does not spring from rational thought.
Let me give an example. Happy Meal Toys. Now, these are not the sort of things that would normally inspire lines stretching right around the block. But in a little tiny iron fist ruled island in Asia, it did just that.
The setting, Singapore, the raisonde' insaneness? Hello Kitty. Now, you may wonder how a cute cartoon character created for preteen girls manages to create a huge storm in a quiet, regimented island. To be honest I don't fricking know, but I have one theory.
People evolved from sheep not monkeys.
Now, I realize that it is early in the morning and possibly, I am not fully coherent but it occurs to me that is the only possible reason that people would ever, ever buy tons of Happy Meals in order to collect the whole frickin set of Hello Kitty and stand for hours under the blistering sun in sweltering hot weather crushed in a crowd just to obtain a fricking cartoon character dressed in a variety of cultural outfits. It went on for weeks. Hello Kitty in Kimono. Hello Kitty in Evening Dress. Hello Kitty in Cheong sam. Hello Kitty in Malay Wedding Outfit. Hello Kitty in G-String. Hello Kitty in Cowboy Outfit. Hello Domatrix Kitty.
The list went on and on. Over 20 or so fricking bloody Hello Kitty and her male counterpart dressed in some costume or other and people snapped it up like they were possesed. A doctor even got into a fight for chrissakes over the thrice dammed mouthless abominations. It was ridiculous and really got me pondering... what was it? What on Earth was it that possessed people to absolutely freaking-do require the dolls? Was it the threat of genitalia mutilation from their demanding brats back home? Was it their possible latent herd instinct leftover from sheep evolution? What was it?
Find out in the next episode of XXX files. Where I post pictures of scantily clad woman and tell you how f-ing brilliant I am annd you post comments agreeing with me because you're too busy drooling over some ho's tits on your monitor. Whatever, its your monitor, just be sure you leave comments paying homage to my near godliness.
This is Theif of Time, stealing more seconds from your decaying body as you read this and realizing I have totally gone off topic. I too am sheep, getting a bloody fricking blog!
Baa ram ewe, baa ram ewe, a load of C4 will see you through, baa ram ewe. Pass the grass ewe f-er.
Die kitty kitty DIE!
Ergh, sorry about that burst of insanity.
I can't wait till there is a fad for an invisible product. At that time my homicidal tendencies will be validated.
... er... I mean...
hehe, guess this looks bad...
Lol.. do you know Rj, when people got the whole set of Hello Kitty, they can sell it in a huge amount..
haha... yeh...but some people don't sell it either. How old have all these comments ben? I haven't looked at them for so long.. =p
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