Thursday, February 16, 2006

Let the Eagle soar freely

"This is Eagle to Den Mother, Eagle to Den Mother do you copy?"

"Frakencrack! Did you see that? Amanda's ship just went down. Dammit! Raise HQ!"

"I'm trying I'm trying! I think the last pass by those dammned Kuritan aerospace jocks damaged the transmitters. Den Mother, this is Eagle, come in Den Mother. The LZ is hot. I repeat, the LZ is hot.... arrgh! Frackencrack! What the hell was that?"

"Goddamned snakes... they got engine four. I can't keep this damn thing up much longer. Tell the troops to hit it."

"Christ.. out of the frying pan... right, Major, we've taken too many hits. You'll have to hot drop. I'm opening the bay door in thirty. You too, good luck. "

"Wonderful, now all we have to do is keep this rust bucket up until they bail out"

"And until we do too?"

"Quit the sarcasm, don't turn yellow on me. Hows the drop?"

"I ain't yellow, its them yellows out there blasting the -"

"I said quit it. Hows the drop?"

"Forty percent so far but-"

End Transcript

Monday, February 13, 2006

Armored Goblins

Flames flickered in the night, illuminating the piles of flesh and twisted metal that they fed upon. The field littered with the carcasses of a recent battle. Four armor clad figures stood on a small hill lock overlooking the plain. The black acrid smoke washed over them, carrying with it the fumes of burning synthetics along with the charring odour of flesh. Not even the suit's filters could filter out the stench of battle.

"Dragon, this is Ichi Squad, negative on survivors. Orders?"

"Ichi squad, sweep and cleanse the area. Dragon out."

"Hai! Tai-i!"

The squad spread out, fanning across the field. Kicking over pieces of scrap metal and generally rummaging through the debris for anything that could be of potential value. The squad reformed at the edge of the killing ground opposite from where they had come from.

"Dragon, this is Ichi squad, whoever hit these people hit them good. Theres nothing for us here Tai-i."

"Understood, proceed back to base. Dragon out."