Tuesday, September 28, 2004


Ouch... well.. my lips and mouth hurt like hell. I suppose this is the last time I'll agree to full contact sparring with Sky... =p.. haha.. son of a bitch. Damn thing must have torn the lip... ech. Can't eat right. Well, I can. I'm such a greedy bastard that I still eat "right" despite the pain... haha.. if a gashed lip and ulcerated lip don't stop me I wonder what will...

Man, nothing much going on here. Crashed out last night at around 7pm and woke up today at 5:30am. Feels good. First good night's rest I've had in... oh... 2 days... haha.. =p.. I'm having it way too easy... =p.... mmf... my lip... >_<... =p...

*plink* *ka-chk* *plink**ka-chk**plink**ka-chk**click*click*click* Shit.

Man... I never seem to have normal dreams anymore.

Just this morning I had one more freaky dream when I woke up at 6:30 and slept for an hour more. Dreams really can cram alot of freaky shit for an hour.

I was in... I think Wales or England. It was all hills, slightly fogy and that "wet" atmosphere aroun dlike it wasn't raining then but it had and looked like it would continue again soon enough. Anyways I was somehow drifting all over this in a parachute. Somehow I thought it would be a very good idea to land next to a fence. I did. And I knew that I could take off again if I just ran down the slop full tilt, the parachute would catch the air and somehow I'd float up again. Well, there was still some reality left in it because I didn't. By this time onlookers (who through some freak means managed to turn up) were just standing there looking at me.

Suddenly I found myself crawling across the roof of this old style train carriages. You now, the 1900 styles. Pretty old class stuff. And I knew that I had to carrry out this rescue operation for a rich man's son kiddnapped by triads. I entered via a ceiling window and manged to get myself perched up on some raised platform. It was about half a meter higher than a avergae man's height. It was like jutting out next to a staircase so people exiting had to walka round it. I couldn't see how big it was. All I saw was this specific area. There was a "gentleman" there. At least he was wearing old gentleman style clothing. Anyways, I had a silence pistol. Aimed it as his head and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. A small graze appeared in his head and started to bleed but that was all. I pulled the trigger many more times until the damn thing went *click* and there was no reacion. Hell, his brain didn't even splatter. I may as well not have had any damn bulelts at all.

Then, this kid dresed in a real posh uniform and everyhing bursts up the stairs. Sees me. And runs back down. And suddenly the whole thing is over and a success. View cuts to outside the carriage which inexplicably is in a car park. I see Kaishi standing off for frag knows what reason and I see the kidnapper bound to a chair within the carriage. I know his some sort of Triad head and I tell him he's going down. He just laughs. In a rage I take out a blade and carve his face up. But strangely enough, the blade doesn't penetrate, it just makes lines. Like the same lines you have when you keep something pressed to your skin for too long and it leaves an imprint. I carved squiggles into his face until the looked like "IN". And then I woke up.

Freaky... or maybe its saying something....

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Haha... these days I have been verging on the border between hyper...and um... hyper. I have no idea why I'm so hyper when inside I have so many things going on. I really should be sitting down and thinking thinbgs through.... =p... anyways... *shrugs*

Well, the day has been alright so far, sitting in the library overlooking the field and all the junior school kids running around screaming. Ceaseless babble and screaming. Crazy... haha... wonder when my lfie was like that.... mm.. probably still is. Held someone's laptop "hostage" just now. Haha... held it up and threatened to drop it to the floor. That was sooo stupid... ach...haha...

Anyways,.... I better be going now because I can't write anymore. Actually, I can. I had a dream last night about someone in the Boarding House trying to knife me and I had to knock him out with a pool cue.... that was tripping.,.. ah well. Class starting.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Primus Opus

Well, looks like this is my first blog ever so I suppose I may as well set the pattern here. Its raining outside right now and I have a half day so rock on!

Hmm, hope the soil at the back of the Boarding House doesn't landslide down because that would be a right bitch. At least I can do my laundry. If anybody else from Boarding is reading this I have dibs on the washing machine and dryer.

The Boarding House has just replaced locks on the windows to prevent intruders from coming in and nicking our stuff. Wish they'd just let me dig punji tiger traps but ah well.. banned from using claymores as well.

Work time.

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